Maps Everywhere
Susy in her garden
boat in her garden
She really didnt get along with Bunja
told you......
This one is from Varna
Alien development
just beside the road
little beach
going to fish
little port
yea....i forgot the name of this one
almost a Piccaso
near the border......high security region
Turkey # 1
çai çai ??
Everywhere in the country side, the place for nature best, Water :)
Crossing the Istambul Bogazi
Refugge Camp for the Dogs
here they come!!
there she goes!!
The Green House Nigth
Nice port just before Carasu
The Boat in The Sand and 3 Men on Board
Sleepin in The Garden of Murat......thank you friend !!
Little neighborg Aiman.....hiden on the tree :)
Zeitloser Raum. Fünf Tage und Nächte in der Transsib
Es gibt für mich keinen typischeren Klang in Sibirien als die durch die
dunkle Nachtluft der Bahnhöfe hallende Frauenstimme der
Lautsprecherdurchsagen. Es ...
7 years ago